I am an Assistant Professor in Precision Pest Management and Advanced Analytics in the Entomology Department at Louisiana State University. My educational background includes a bachelor's in Agricultural Sciences and Production from Panamerican School of Agriculture "Zamorano" and a Master's in Entomology from Purdue University, where I focused on Integrated Pest Management. I earned my Ph.D. in Entomology from Kansas State University, specializing in Precision Pest Management. My expertise lies in Precision Pest Management, Machine Learning, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Remote Sensing, and Digital Agriculture applications. During my doctoral and postdoctoral work, I developed machine learning models for automatic pest detection and counting in images, which can be integrated into digital agricultural tools and robotics.
My current research interests center on applying machine learning models to detect pests (including insects, weeds, and diseases) for use in digital agricultural tools and robotics to enable precise pest management strategies. I am also interested in using GIS-based remote sensing analysis for pest detection to promote local and landscape-level management.