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Outreach & Extension


Co-organizer and led the abstract submission peer review process for the DA3: Digital Ag & Advanced Analytics, Corteva symposia series: https://www.da3symposium.com/. Kansas State University. Manhattan, KS, U.S.

Engaging with the community about the use of machine learning for aphid detection and their contribution for pest management in sorghum using web-applications: https://aphid-detector-flask-ycyo6rffva-uc.a.run.app/. Celebrate Agriculture Day, Kansas State University. Manhattan, KS, U.S.


Ph.D. research highlighted in Research Seek Magazine about using artificial intelligence to classify sugarcane aphid infestations on leaves. Source: https://www.k-state.edu/seek/spring-2022/entomologist-uses-ai-to-spot-insect/

Leading and engaging with the community about the use of machine learning for coccinellid detection and their contribution for pest control in sorghum. Open house Kansas State University. Manhattan, KS, U.S.

Winner of the Wilbur-Ellis Innovation Award. Our team explored the idea on how insects have plastic degrading abilities, which would turn plastic waste into biomass for a variety of productive uses. The proposal title was "Insects Recycling to Feed the World." Price awarded: $25,000. Source: https://www.wilburellis.com/innovation-award/